Business Shareware
Business Shareware.iso
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Important Notes
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Credit Cards
Payment with VISA and MasterCard is welcome.
Since I am living in Germany, I can charge credit cards ONLY in
Deutsche Mark. The credit card company will convert the amount and
charge your card in your local currency!
One German Mark (DM) is today (January 1993) equivalent to only about
US$ 0.60 but changing daily.
Germany: no problem
Europe: please use an Eurocheque drawn in "Deutsche Mark"
other: I have to pay 10 DM fee for cheques from foreign countries if
they are drawn in Deutsche Mark, otherwise even 15 DM. That's why
I strongly suggest payment with Credit Card. If you don't have
one, maybe you can ask somebody whether you can use his card when
you give him the money. If you insist on paying with a cheque,
PLEASE add the above amount to cover my additional costs!
Air Mail
You should use air mail from outside Europe since otherwise it can
take over a month. Even air mail letters usually take about a week.
Please mail the following order form to this address:
Klaus Hartnegg Software
Kleist-Str. 7
D-7835 Teningen
Note: the city codes of ALL German cities will change on 1st of July 1993.
The new code for Teningen is not yet known.
FAX: (new!!)
When paying with credit card, you can fax the completed order form to:
(your international access code +) 49 761 580547
(49 is the country code for Germany, it may be different in some countries)
Multiple Orders of one product
You can not order multiple sets of unregistered copies (it's easier
and cheaper anyway if you copy them yourself).
Ordering several copies of one product is only possible, if all will
be used by the same organization/company or similar. I will send you
ONE disk with ONE copy of the program but several key files and an
install program. All key files include the same name plus a number in
the range from 1 to n where n is the number of copies.
Quantity discounts: You have the choice to pay
either n∙P
or 2∙P + n∙5
where n is the number of copies and P is the price for one copy.
For P=20 DM and for P=35 DM, the second alternative is cheaper if n
is 3 or more.
Examples for P = 35:
n price1 price2
1 35
2 70
3 105 80
4 140 85
5 175 90
10 350 115 ( you save 235 DM !!)
Site license: for 10 or more licenses, I will send you ONE key file.
The same one for all computers.
***** O R D E R F O R M *****
(Klaus Hartnegg Software, Kleist-Str 7, D-7835 Teningen, Germany)
( FAX = your international access code + 49 761 580547 )
Quan. Item Price Total
___ Disk-RW 35 DM ______
___ DiskRW printed manual 9 DM ______
please choose: ( ) english ( ) german
___ CleanFile 20 DM ______
___ CrLf 20 DM ______
___ C-Trans 20 DM ______
___ UNREGISTERED current vers. of all above 4 DM ______
(free and automatically included if ordering any of the above)
shipping (Europe: 2 DM, other: 6 DM) ______
Sum : ______
if you live in European Community: add 15% sales tax ______
TOTAL : ______
Address _______________________________________
Date ______________ Signature ______________________
day month year
disk type: ( ) 3.5" 720kB ( ) 5.25" 360kB
Payment: ( ) VISA ( ) MasterCard ( ) cheque ( ) money included
Card Number ______________________________ Expiration date ___ / ___
Name ______________________________ Signature ________________
(exactly as it appears on card) (card holder)
Comments / Suggestions :_______________________________________________